Children’s Chiropractic Centre Blog

Sleep + Motherhood with Renee Sciulli from Sweet Dreams Baby

Written by ACCC Team | 25-May-2017 21:00:00


We are thrilled to have Renee Sciulli from Sweet Dreams Baby collaborating with us at Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre to bring sleep solutions to all the tired mums of Newcastle. Renee joined us recently to share her story about sleep and motherhood.


Tell us about who you are and what you do? 

I’m Renee Sciulli, a wife and mum of 2 beautiful kids aged 6 and 4. I am a Certified Maternity and Child Sleep Consultant and a Certified Happiest Baby Educator at Sweet Dreams Baby, a business I started working on 4 years ago and brought to life 2 years ago.


Why did you become a Sleep Consultant? 

When my now 6 year old was a baby not only was she a terrible sleeper, I felt like a terrible mum. I was living every day in survival mode with no idea how to get my child into a daily routine that I had heard so much about! No-one warns you about the challenges you face when becoming a new mum and these challenges are heightened even more so when you are sleep deprived! I truly feel as though this career path chose me, not the other way around. There is not a day that goes by where I am not helping someone enjoy their parenting journey, and this is exactly why I do what I do!


What’s your favourite part about your role in supporting families?

Changing lives! I give parents the gift of enjoying being a parent when in the haze of daily life, it can sometimes be lost. I give families a plan to move forward, some direction for achieving their goals. Essentially this is based around more sleep, but if you ask some of my previous clients I am sure they would tell you that I gave them much more than just their sleep back!

Why do you love presenting Nurturing Sleep: A workshop for tired mums at Australian Children’s Chiropractic Centre?

ACCC is such a gorgeous space. On entering this establishment I guarantee families are entering a safe place, a non-judgemental environment where they can be sure that not only are they going to learn something from this amazing workshop that Dr Amanda and I have developed, but they will also be in an environment that allows them to just be. To connect with other mothers and recognise they are not alone in this journey. And most importantly see that if as a mumma you are struggling, there are skilled people that can and want to help you.


What’s the biggest misconception about childrens sleep?

That all sleep training involves letting your child 'cry it out'. Crying it out (CIO) is actually a behavioural modification technique pioneered by Dr Marc Weissbluth and is infact where there is no tending to the child at all at sleep times. This is the polar opposite to my approach and my beliefs on how we can achieve independent sleep, if that's the goal a family sets when we work together. Not all families I work with need a behavioural modification technique at all. Some just need a tweek in daily routine or feeding schedule to achieve desired results.


What’s your favourite part of being a mum?

It is really tricky to narrow it down to just one thing, however I would have to say it is the reunion upon being away from my kids that create my favourite moments. It's after those times we're apart, whether it's while they have been sleeping or at school and preschool or simply after I've just ducked to the shops when my husband is home, the reception I get from my children is like I have been away for days when in reality it has only been a few hours! Those little faces, those hugs and those kisses are indescribable. This is unconditional true love!



Renee and Dr Amanda will be presenting their latest event 

Nurturing Sleep: A workshop for tired mums

on Wednesday 14th June at 10am.

Get your ticket now as this event sells out in advance!



Renee Scuilli is the Founder of Sweet Dreams Baby and a Certified Maternity & Child Sleep Consultant and Certified Happiest Baby Educator. Her mission is to help tired, exhausted parents overcome their family's sleep challenges without jeopardising their parenting style. Using a holistic approach to solve a child's sleep challenges, nights and naps can be a time to look forward to!

Contact Renee for further information about her services via 0438 420 789 or 

Find Renee on Facebook and Instagram