Children’s Chiropractic Centre Blog

3 Benefits On Why Your Child Should Play Barefoot

Posted by Dr Amanda Watson on 16-Nov-2020 16:44:42

The Benefits Of Playing Barefoot

Remember back in the day when you were playing outside barefoot as a child? Can you remember how it felt when you were connecting with the earth?

Do you remember the feeling of the sand submerging your feet, the tickling of the grass blades or the soft gooey mud squelching between your toes?

How did that make you feel...happy? calm? connected? If it did... you'd be happy to know there is lots of scientific evidence supporting this to be true! (A great reason to kick those shoes off).

Here are some benefits and tips to help you and your child get back to basics and go play barefoot or as they say 'earthing'. 

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Topics: parents, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, families, Toddlers, Physical Development, Preschool Children, barefoot

Colds & Flus - Home Management

Posted by ACCC Team on 24-Apr-2018 09:00:00

Winter is here 'Tis the season to be stuffy'.

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Topics: Health, Cold & Flu's, Immune boosting, parents, children, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, families, Blog, ACCC

Have you drunk enough water today?

Posted by ACCC Team on 10-Apr-2018 09:59:35

As you know we constantly ask the children who attend our centre - 
'Have you drunk enough water today?'

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Topics: Health, Nutrition, parents, children, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, families, Mums, ACCC

You Mama, are amazing!

Posted by ACCC Team on 21-Nov-2017 10:00:00

Sometimes being a mum seems like the hardest job in the world. And a thankless one at that!

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Topics: parents, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, Relationships, Blog, Mums, Mama Cirlce, Event, ACCC, Recharge

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