Children’s Chiropractic Centre Blog

3 Benefits On Why Your Child Should Play Barefoot

Posted by Dr Amanda Watson on 16-Nov-2020 16:44:42

The Benefits Of Playing Barefoot

Remember back in the day when you were playing outside barefoot as a child? Can you remember how it felt when you were connecting with the earth?

Do you remember the feeling of the sand submerging your feet, the tickling of the grass blades or the soft gooey mud squelching between your toes?

How did that make you feel...happy? calm? connected? If it did... you'd be happy to know there is lots of scientific evidence supporting this to be true! (A great reason to kick those shoes off).

Here are some benefits and tips to help you and your child get back to basics and go play barefoot or as they say 'earthing'. 

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Topics: parents, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, families, Toddlers, Physical Development, Preschool Children, barefoot

How often should I breastfeed my newborn baby?

Posted by ACCC Team on 14-Jul-2020 14:22:31

How often should I breastfeed my newborn?

[Image Credit: @wildephotographyy]

The frequency of feeds can be such a hot topic for new parents and can be quite stressful especially the first time round. New Mum's can become overwhelmed with all of the information, instructions and learning the crying cues from your in the first couple weeks of becoming a mother.

Meanwhile its not uncommon that your family, friends and even strangers will often add their (well meaning) but often not needed piece of advice on how often your newborn 'should' be feeding. The hard part about this is that getting different pieces of advise can often be conflicting to what you may have been told firstly leading to stress and anxiety on exactly how often your newborn should be feeding.

Here are some great tips and advise from our Feeding Your Newborn workshop host; Emma Maher (Midwife/Lactation Consultant) from Empowered Lactation with Emma on how often newborns breastfeed.

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Topics: Health, parents, Development, Mums, breastfeeding, Feeding your Newborn

4 Ways To Thrive This Christmas!

Posted by ACCC Team on 29-Nov-2019 13:10:18

Christmas is only 4 weeks away... and while we all look forward to the festivities, food and fun with family and friends; it is also one of the busiest times of year.

Although thinking about our health and wellness during this time may not be on the top of the to-do list; by simply adding these four things, you will find that you not only get through the silly season with flying colours – you will thrive!

Here are our four top tips for not only surviving but THRIVING this holiday season:

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Topics: Mothers, Babies, Health, Nutrition, celebrating you, parents, children, stress, relax, families, ACCC, Recharge

Creating a Chemical Free Home

Posted by ACCC Team on 12-Jun-2018 12:56:19

Every parent wants to provide the safest and healthiest space for a child to grow-up in. Simple strategies around the home can support families to live a life free from over exposure to household chemicals.

Some scary research shows that chemical exposure during pregnancy or during a child's life can have detrimental effects on health, development and growth. Children are particularly vulnerable because their vital organs are still growing and they have a reduced ability to eliminate toxins from their developing bodies. So lets make your home a chemical free haven for your children.

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Topics: Health, parents, children, stress, families

Why we love baby wearing!

Posted by Dr Jacey Pryjma on 07-May-2018 14:24:11


[Image credit: Born for love - Ergobaby]
Holding or carrying a baby (or young child) on your body using a carrier

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Topics: Mothers, Babies, Health, parents, Development, spine, Mums, ACCC, baby wearing

Colds & Flus - Home Management

Posted by ACCC Team on 24-Apr-2018 09:00:00

Winter is here 'Tis the season to be stuffy'.

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Topics: Health, Cold & Flu's, Immune boosting, parents, children, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, families, Blog, ACCC

Fish Oils & Essential Fats

Posted by Dr Jacey Pryjma on 16-Apr-2018 09:00:00

Two very important fats are Omega-3, and Omega-6. These are called essential fats because our body cannot manufacture them from other nutrient, you must obtain them from your diet.

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Topics: Health, Nutrition, parents, children, families, brain, Blog, ACCC

Have you drunk enough water today?

Posted by ACCC Team on 10-Apr-2018 09:59:35

As you know we constantly ask the children who attend our centre - 
'Have you drunk enough water today?'

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Topics: Health, Nutrition, parents, children, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, families, Mums, ACCC

You Mama, are amazing!

Posted by ACCC Team on 21-Nov-2017 10:00:00

Sometimes being a mum seems like the hardest job in the world. And a thankless one at that!

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Topics: parents, Australian Children's Chiropractic Centre, Relationships, Blog, Mums, Mama Cirlce, Event, ACCC, Recharge

Mama, acknowledge you this mother's day!

Posted by ACCC Team on 13-May-2017 07:58:57

Sometimes being a mum seems like the hardest job in the world. And a thankless one at that!

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Topics: Mothers, Babies, celebrating you, parents, children, stress, Mothers day

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