Children’s Chiropractic Centre Blog

“Help! My child won’t pay attention, sit still, focus and learn!”

Posted by Dr Amanda Watson on 21-Jul-2021 10:00:00

Attention is a complex brain skill that begins to develop from around 4 years old, and really establishes as a neural ability from around 6 years old.

It is a common phrase we hear from many parents and teachers alike that a child may have troubles sitting still, giving their attention and focusing!

In this blog we’ll explore why “paying attention” is no easy feat and what factors may affect your child’s ability (or inability) to pay attention, focus and potentially impact learning outcomes.

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Topics: Health, spine, School, Physical Development, Preschool Children

how balance and proprioception can help optimise your child’s brain and body to be ready for school.

Posted by Dr Amanda Watson on 22-May-2020 10:00:00

How good proprioception can help our child's body be strong and well balanced!

It is so important for a child entering school because knowing where they are in space helps them sit still in class for learning, and move their bodies well for play.

Proprioception is the ability to know where we are in space so that we can then control our body appropriately to keep ourselves balanced and strong.

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Topics: spine, brain, Blog, School, Teenagers, Physical Development, Preschool Children

Child Development In Ages 5-6 Years

Posted by ACCC Team on 30-Oct-2018 17:48:03

Many of our families have kids getting ready for big school next year.
Yes! Kindergarten is not to far off now.
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Topics: children, Development, brain, Blog, Mums, School

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